Our Board of Trustees has a strong relationship with the Industry, and a rich history of enhancing opportunities for learners.

Our Board are passionate about supporting lifelong learning principles.

Andrew Clearwater
Andrew is an independent Director and chartered member of the Institute of Directors in New Zealand.
Bob Boniface
Bob has a broad corporate career including forest products, automotive, manufacturing and IT.
Eric Souchon
Eric is a chartered professional engineer with a strong background in the civil engineering contracting, quarrying and solid waste management industries.
Louise Sixton
Louise currently working for Repco NZ as General Manager Sales and Operations based in Auckland and has been with Repco since September 2000.
Mark Pizey
After his undergraduate degree and a period in Cornish tin mining in the 1970s, Mark gained an MSc in Rock Mechanics, following research in the performance of mine shaft linings in the Selby Coalfield, South Yorkshire.
Nick Leggett
Nick has been a trustee since Inspiring Futures Foundation’s inception. He is experienced in charitable and general governance. He has previously worked in the road transport industry.
Sturrock Saunders
Sturrock has a proven track record of success in business, leadership, and governance. He has also been strongly involved in building pathways for young people to grow and succeed.
Industry Partners